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Alexandra, Otago, New Zealand
The Central Otago REAP STAR Programme in Alexandra takes place on Wednesday's for Year 7/8 and Thursdays for Year 5/6. It is a chance for gifted students from schools across Central Otago to take part in creative thinking activities, to challenge and develop themselves and to have fun! 15 Students attend The Year 7/8 Central stars programme on Wednesdays at Alexandra Primary from Alexandra, Cromwell, Clyde and Roxburgh!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Great News! Romy has won a prize in the 2010 Scholastic Short Story Competition

Romy has won 3rd prize in the National 2010 Scholastic Short Story Competition. This is great news and show cases a real talent. See the beginning of the story below:

The Cheetah's Hunt

A hot breeze fanned the top of the Savannah grass. The grass swayed slightly, testing the sun-baked ground in which its roots were embedded. Crouched low among the grass, paws barely touching the hard ground, lay a cheetah. His fierce amber eyes were riveted on a herd of wildebeest. He stalked forwards, making barely a rustle. Then, with a sudden graceful bound, he took off. he was flying, racing the wind. His claws slid out from his paw pads. He was the hunter. He was invincible. BANG!

The shot echoed through the Savannah, like the mountain was collapsing. Instinctively, he swerved, then crouched. His head whipped round to focus in on where the shot had sounded. It didn't seem threatening, so he ignored it, and turned back to the wildebeest. They were gone. The cheetah snarled angrily. He needed prey. Throwing caution to the winds, he stalked towards where the shot had sounded. A new scent filled his nose. Metallic.

BANG! BANG! BANG! three shots were fired in rapid succession. A new emotion filled his mind. Fear. The cheetah turned and bolted. Not running to kill, but running to hide. The tables had turned. He was the hunted.

The full story will be published in a collection available later in the year, keep your eyes peeled for it!

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10.2.10 First Day of Blog

We have filled in our self assessment for the year. We also played some name games, read awesome picture books and played some of Karla's games she brought in while Sam, Bryn & co. made this blog. We are hoping that this blog will get bigger and better over the course of the year!!