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Alexandra, Otago, New Zealand
The Central Otago REAP STAR Programme in Alexandra takes place on Wednesday's for Year 7/8 and Thursdays for Year 5/6. It is a chance for gifted students from schools across Central Otago to take part in creative thinking activities, to challenge and develop themselves and to have fun! 15 Students attend The Year 7/8 Central stars programme on Wednesdays at Alexandra Primary from Alexandra, Cromwell, Clyde and Roxburgh!

Riddler Challenge

Every week the year 7/8 class is challenged with a riddle, a brain twisting, lateral puzzle that stretches the creativity and flexibility of thinking as well as challenging the assumptions of the students.  Answers will not be posted on the blog, so challenge yourself to match our 'riddlers'

Riddle me this
While working in a Western Country, a Chinese circus performer decided to defect.  He makes a hasty escape on his bicycle and rides until he can ride no more.  He falls asleep on the side of the road, where he is discovered three months later still asleep.  How can this be?

Riddler:  Bryn 

Don't harm the hamster
Arthur is taking his hamster, his dog and his cat on a journey. He comes to a stream with a little boat that will only hold him and one pet.

The stream is too deep to cross except with the boat, and he really needs to get across. The problem is that although the cat and dog get along fine, either one of them will terrorize the hamster if left alone with her.
How will Arthur cross the stream without upsetting his hamster?

Riddler:  Abby 


Candles, candles
6 candle stubs can be moulded into 1 full sized candle.  How many full sized candles can be made and burned down to a stub from 36 candles?

Riddler: Bryn 

Word Winkler:  Romy 


A spy wishes to transfer a large file of printed papers to a fellow spy.  He does not wish to be seen in the company of the other spy, but he also doesn't want to risk the papers going missing, so he cannot risk posting or couriering them.

How does the manage the transfer?

  • The papers go into a suitcase
  • He does not use a luggage locker because he would still need to get the key to the other spy
  • He wants a location where picking up the suitcase is natural
Riddler:  Adele

Word Winkler:  Adele


The bee is in my hand what is in my eye?

Riddler: Matt

Word Winkler: Bryn


Spaced Out
The Americans spent several million dollars developing a certain space technology. 
The Russians achieved the same technology for virtually nothing.
What was it?

It was a piece of communications equipment It allowed astronauts to record information under zero gravity conditions 
Both the Russians and the Americans already had something that would do the job

Riddler: Michael

Word Winkler: Romy


By night they come without being fetched, By day they are lost without being stolen.  

Riddler:  Michael


Feather light
Light as a feather with nothing in it, A strong man can’t hold it, much more than a minute. 

Riddler:  Emma


A bottom at the top
What has a bottom at the top?

Riddler:  Keryn


Inside Out
What is it that you discard (throw away) the outside and cook the inside, then eat the outside and discard the inside? 

Riddler: Adriana


Find the fib
One of the following statements is true and the other two are false. Who is telling the truth?
Jack: I always tell the truth Jim: I always tell the truth John: Jim is lying but not Jack 

Riddler:  Romy & Sam


Signing Off
A mute man enters a store to buy a toothbrush. Since he can’t talk, he expresses himself by imitating the action of brushing his teeth.
The salesperson understands and the man buys a toothbrush. A blind man enters a store to buy a pair of sunglasses. How can he express himself?  

Riddler:  Adele

10.2.10 First Day of Blog

We have filled in our self assessment for the year. We also played some name games, read awesome picture books and played some of Karla's games she brought in while Sam, Bryn & co. made this blog. We are hoping that this blog will get bigger and better over the course of the year!!