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Alexandra, Otago, New Zealand
The Central Otago REAP STAR Programme in Alexandra takes place on Wednesday's for Year 7/8 and Thursdays for Year 5/6. It is a chance for gifted students from schools across Central Otago to take part in creative thinking activities, to challenge and develop themselves and to have fun! 15 Students attend The Year 7/8 Central stars programme on Wednesdays at Alexandra Primary from Alexandra, Cromwell, Clyde and Roxburgh!

Learning Log


To Consider:

  • What would life have been like for you of you were a Jewish child living during WWII
  • What will you take away from today's session?
If I was a Jewish child in WWII, conditions would be very different to how they are today.  I would be underfed and unhealthy, and never safe.  I would be lost, confused and scared.

Today I learned about how Jewish children were treated, and why twins were used for medical experimentation.

I would be very upset and angry with everyone and I would probably be dead.  My mum and dad would be dead and if I had a twin, they would probably be suffering.

I have learned a side of the world I have never known of and that such cruelty existed

 I think that it would be horrible being a Jewish child in WWII and I would probably be very miserable.

I have gained the knowledge of how Jewish children got used by Hitler.

If I was a Jewish child in WWII, i would be feeling very scared of being caught by Nazis and very sad about friends and family that had been killed.  If I was in a concentration camp, I would be weak, and tired and sad (or probably dead).

I have taken from today more knowledge and understanding about what the Nazis did to the Jews.

Hopefully I would be in a Zionist ghetto

I will take away knowledge about Medical Experiments on the Jews like the Sun Lamp

It would mean you would have no freedom, no life and be surrounded by death.

Today, i'm going to take away knowledge of what really went on inside those barbed wire fences.

It would be way different...I would probably be dead OR in hiding which wouldn't be fun.  We wouldn't have normal privileges like we do today.

Today I have taken away the fact that we are so SUPER lucky to have what we do now!

I would probably die early or be killed, or I'd be in a concentration camp.

I now know more about the Holocaust and concentration camps

I would have a very strong understanding of the value of life.  From a very young age, I would know a lot about life and death.

After today's lesson I have a strong understanding of how important it is to know about history and know how lucky I am to have what I have today.

It would be scary and I would feel alone.  I would feel like there is nothing good to live for.  A never-ending sickness in my tummy knowing that if I don't work hard enough, I could be killed.

Today I have learnt how hard it must have been and how horrible Hitler really was.

I could be dead.  Life would have been more tough.

I will take away the knowledge that people used to and still do get treated unfairly

I would never feel safe.  I would feel lost and confused, why were we being killed just because we were Jews?

Today I learnt that Jewish twins living in 1939-45 were used in labs to experiment on.  I now have a much better understanding about WWII and how people were treated because of their religion or race.


Final thoughts from the Philosophy inquiry "Why are some peoples lives more important than others?" (Harry & Adele) using the stimuli of a range of different coins from different currencies

To consider: If you could make one wish based on what was discussed during the Philosophy 4 Children (P4C) session, what would it be?


Final thoughts: I think we should all be treated like each other and not kill each other.  If we want to become rich, become rich and spend it on whatever you like.  But, just because you may be rich, it doesn't make you any better than anyone else.

My wish:  That the world would be much happier and we would just work together.


Final Thoughts:  Should people be treated differently just because one person is richer than another?

My wish:  I wish everyone was there for everyone and that they treated them the same, no matter how rich or poor they are.


Final Thoughts:  Is Importancy important?  Who's to judge?  Why do we judge? Should poverty ever end, or should we judge it more important than the rich?

My wish:  That no-one will know/experience poverty


Final Thoughts:  I think people's lives should not be more important than others unless their life made a big impact on the lives of others, ie Jesus' life would be very important, more important than mine, because he's Jesus and he saved us.

My wish:  Is that everyone would be equal, and no-one would be poor or have to suffer


Final Thoughts:  Some people become more 'important' because they died, e.g. Mia Glacie became famous and influenced the anti-smacking law ll because of the way she died.  It can also make people more famous, e.g. Michael Jackson, his death boosted his career.  Why is this so?  Shouldn't they be more valuable when they are alive?


Final Thoughts:  I think that everyone should be treated equally.  I also think that no-one should have to experience poverty.  Then the world would be different because everybody would be treated the same.


Final Thoughts:  Everyone should be treated equally and if that happened then the world would be very fair.


Final Thoughts:  I think that people should be treated the same and nobody should be selfish and greedy.  

My wish:  Nobody would be in poverty and everybody would have food and  water


Final Thoughts:  I think everybody i the world should be equal and the rich people should give money to the poor.  It's not fair that some people are really poor and there's rich people who have too much money.


Final Thoughts:  How do you rank people on how important they are?

My wish:  I wish that everyone is treated the same and it doesn't matter what race you come from


Final Thoughts:  ARE some people more important than others?

Poverty is important and needs attention.  People should be treated the same, no matter how poor/rich you are.

My wish: I wish there was enough for everyone


Final Thoughts:  I think the system we have for using money should be better, or there should be none


Final Thoughts:  I think some people's jobs are worth more than others but I think lives are just as important as others

10.2.10 First Day of Blog

We have filled in our self assessment for the year. We also played some name games, read awesome picture books and played some of Karla's games she brought in while Sam, Bryn & co. made this blog. We are hoping that this blog will get bigger and better over the course of the year!!