Number Nuisance
How many number 9's will be needed to number the 100 doors of a 100 room hotel in sequential order from 1 through 100?
Number Nut: Sam
Ageing Quickly
What day of the year must it be if the day before yesterday a man was 50 years old and the next year he will be 53 years old?
Number Nut: Kit
What am I?
Placed above it makes things smaller. Placed beside it makes things greater. In matters that count, it always comes first. Where others increase, it remains the same.
Number Nut: Emma
1,2,3 of What?
One has 1
Two has 2
Three has 3
1,2,3 of what?
Hint: 4,5,6,9,10 and 0 have 2 too.
Number Nut: Emma
Tablet Trouble
A man takes two tablets every half hour how many tablets will he have taken after 4 hours?
Number Nut: Sam
Jill has 3 sisters. Each sister has 3 sons.
Jill always sent each one a b'day card.
Why did she send 11 cards to her nephews over the course of a year?
Number Nut: Matt/Michael
Number Nut: Matt/Michael
In six years’ time the combined age of me and my two sons will be 110. What will it be in four year’s time?
Number Nut: Keryn
What mathematical symbol can be placed between 5 and 9, to get a number greater than 5 and smaller than 9? Number Nut: Matt
Using four sevens (7) and a one (1) create the number 100. You can use one or more operations to help you. Number Nut: Keryn
Odd Socks
A draw contains an unsorted collection of black, navy, white, and brown coloured socks. If socks are taken at random, one at a time, what is the minimum number which must be taken to be certain of finding five matching pairs?
Number Nut: Matt (This was not solved until the following week)
Birds & Bunnies
A cage contains birds and rabbits. There are sixteen heads and thirty-eight feet. How many birds are there in the cage? Number Nut: Sam
Apples to Apples
How many times is it possible to take away 9 apples from 54 apples?
Number Nut: Bryn